This year for the first time in at least 8 years we went out on New Year's Eve. For years I used to take it in turns with a group of [Read More]
Icing Your Christmas Cake
I started writing this post about icing my Christmas cake the week before Christmas. All the Christmas preparations, work commitments and the [Read More]
Christmas Treats Mince Pies
I have to say I am quite partial to a mince pie (or two). In fact they are a firm favourite all round in our house and we can easily get through [Read More]
Baking Your Own Christmas Cake
I just love Christmas! It's such a magical time of the year and the older I have become the more I appreciate that bit of magic. It's a time of [Read More]
Easy Washing Line
There is nothing more satisfying than getting your laundry out on the washing line on a warm and breezy day. It drys in no time at all, allowing [Read More]
Life at a Trot
.....or maybe it is more like a limpy walk! My pace has certainly slowed a bit. I seem to have some how hurt my back. Boo hoo! To be honest [Read More]
Work Life Balance
Is my life slowly wearing me down? Over the past 12-24mths I have been questioning if the choices I have made and life that I am currently [Read More]
Horse Health – Nasal Discharge
A snotty nose is something that I am usually associating with the kids. They seem to go through phases when their noses are always running. Of [Read More]
Horse Health – Lymphangitis
It is nearly 2 years ago now when I arrived home from work to find Ralph standing motionless, not grazing in the field. At first I thought he [Read More]
Hello World – Welcome to Life At A Gallop
This is the first blog post from Life At A Gallop, how exciting! Over the coming days, weeks and months I am hoping to fill this new site with [Read More]