…..or maybe it is more like a limpy walk! My pace has certainly slowed a bit.
I seem to have some how hurt my back. Boo hoo! To be honest there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t have some sort of ache or pain. When I get up in the morning it usually takes me a few minutes to straighten myself out and get moving and I often wonder what state I will be in in 20 years time.
I put my creakyness (if I that is a word) down to old riding injuries and not stretching before I ride, but now that I have reached 40, does age play a part? The aches and pains have got worse since I started working full time again. My job involves a lot of standing and spending most of the day on my feet. When I first started I looked forward to needing to go to the loo as I got to sit down for a few minutes. Now when I finish for the day everything from the waist down hurts, pelvis, hips, knees, feet and toes.
As usual I have been just been carrying on and battling through the pain, but over the last few weeks it has been wearing me down. I went to the doctor who suggested the pain could be stress related, due to the “Work Life Balance” I wrote about in a previous post. To check things out he sent me for some blood tests and whilst waiting the 7 days for the results the creaking and stiffness has become more of a pain. I am currently walking as if I have a snowball in my pants, I am struggling to put socks on my feet and ibrupofen tablets are my best friend.
Believe it or not I have managed to ride, only hacking in walk. My dressage saddle seems to keep me in a nice pain free position. As I am off work today I had plans to give the house a clean and tidy (especially the kids bedrooms), do some poo picking in the fields and cut the grass (before it becomes like a field again). So far all I have managed is some ironing and a sit down with a cuppa to write this post, just hope I can get up again. I haven’t quite figured out what relieves most pain. To sit and rest or to keep moving.
This evening after school we are going to and inter-schools sports day to watch our girls take part in various track and field sports suitable for primary school children. I’m not sure that 2.5 hours sitting on a hard football stadium seat is going to be the best for me. I think I would rather be soaking in some warm water enjoying the hot tub health benefits with some hydro-massage. That will have to wait for another day!
Must go and do a bit more before school pick up.
You sound old – long before your time!